If you have feel you have been treated unjustly by any of the staff at IMFCSS, please follow this process to try & resolve the situation:
- Step 1: Speak with your IMFCSS worker to try and resolve your concern; if you feel uncomfortable speaking with your worker directly, please go to the next step.
- Step 2: If you have been unable to resolve your concern directly with your worker, we encourage you to file a formal complaint in writing – please address this correspondence to ‘Island Métis Family & Community Services Society’.
IMFCSS will strive to respond to your concern within 15 days of receiving your written correspondence.
Your concern will be addressed as follows:
If the complaint pertains to a family support worker, cultural liaison, or contract staff:
- The team leader will receive the correspondence.
- The team leader will make every effort to work out a resolution.
- If the team leader is not able to resolve the concerns, the correspondence will be forwarded to the executive director within a further 15 days.
If the complaint pertains to administrative staff or the team leader:
- The executive director will receive the complaint.
- The executive director will make every effort to work out a resolution.
If the complaint pertains to the executive director:
- Please direct your written correspondence to the ‘Chair, Board of Directors, Island Métis Family & Community Services Society’.