Our social workers provide services to adults & families one-on-one, as well as within group or community activities & programs. We encourage you to connect with any of them to know more about these supports or activities.

Family Connections
Supportive services to strengthen parents & caregivers to build strong families. Build on existing strengths & develop new skills through workshops, support groups & mentorship. Access to one-on-one supports for safety planning, advocacy, transitional plans for youth in care, court supports, genealogies, & cultural plans for children & youth adopted into non-Métis families.
- Location: On site at IMFCSS, out in the community, or at your home.
- Participation: Métis families are referred by MCFD or may self-refer to access these services
- Important information: These services are open to Métis families who are involved with MCFD or who have proactively self-identified a need for support, mentorship & skill-building.

Family Visitation
Supported family visits are for parents & extended family to spend time with their children if their children are in the care of the ministry. We work with families & the social workers at MCFD to make arrangements & support families during the visits.
- Location: IMFCSS community room
- Participation: Referral only (ask your MCFD social worker)
- Important information: Healthy meals & snacks are provided (no outside food or drinks, please)

Life Skills
Strengthen your human skills. Learn communication, decision-making, problem-solving & social skills. Build your self-esteem; manage depression, anxiety & learn how to promote mental wellness. Build safe, healthy relationships. Learn to self-reflect & recognize patterns in behavior. Get organized & set realistic, achievable goals.
Build practical skills
Come in for resume work & supported job search. Strengthen your study skills. Learn to budget, meal plan & make healthy choices. Get help with PWD & social housing forms. Learn basic computer skills & learn about online safety.
- Location: On site at IMFCSS, out in the community, or at your home
- Participation: Families are referred by MCFD or may self-refer to access these services
- Important Information: These services are open to Métis & Indigenous families who are involved with MCFD or who have proactively self-identified a need for support, mentorship & skill-building