We must cherish our inheritance;
We must preserve our nationality for the youth of our future;
The story should be written down to pass on
-Louis Riel
The paintings featured in this gallery are original works by the late, talented Métis artist Frank Lewis. His artwork has generously been shared with us by his wife Margaret Parker. Visit our agency to see even more of Frank’s beautiful work.
Artwork credit: Margaret Parker for the estate of Frank Lewis
We encourage you to explore Métis culture through the following off-site resources*. IMFCSS takes no credit for the creation or maintenance of these resources; if you have a favourite online cultural learning tool that you would like to see included in this list, please let us know.
IMFCSS developed a Métis Colouring Book for children to learn about Métis culture.

To explore Métis history and culture from home, visit the Gabriel Dumont Institute’s virtual museum of Métis history & culture.
Language is a vital connection to culture, history & family. Métis Nation British Columbia (MNBC) together with Métis Youth British Columbia (MYBC) has developed a series of online Michif language lessons to help connect Métis people to their culture.

For language resources at your fingertips, download the Gabriel Dumont Institute’s Michif-to-English dictionary app, Michif to Go, for your Android device or their Michif Lessons app for your Apple device.
* The links & resources provided by this website are for information only & do not constitute an endorsement or recommendation of the third-party services indicated. Our agency accepts no responsibility or liability for any of the information contained on the linked sites.